
The 7 Chakras of the Body

The 7 Chakras of the Body
April 16, 2020 admin


The 7 Chakras of the Body



The 7 Chakras of the body are listed below from bottom to top. We’ve included their location on the body but you can also use the image to the right.

  1. Base Chakra(red) – located at the base of the spine.

    2. Sacral Chakra (orange) – located below the navel and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis.

    3. Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) – located between the ribcage and navel.

    4. Heart Chakra (green) – located near the center of the breastbone.

    5. Throat Chakra (blue) – located over the center of the throat.

    6. Third Eye Chakra (indigo) – located between the eyebrows just above the bridge of the nose.

    7. Crown Chakra (violet) – located at the top of the head.

There are 7 different Chakras in the body (though some cultures add a few ‘higher plane’ ones). When any of them are block or out of balance, it can throw off the health of all of the other ones. That’s why an advanced blockage or out of balance Chakra can be hard to diagnose since it’s likely other Chakras have been effected. Here we’ll tell you the symptoms of an out of balance Chakra. If you’re experiencing symptoms from more than one Chakra, we recommend treating all of the Chakras as it may be difficult to pinpoint which one is causing the problem.

Look over all of the common symptoms below to see if you’re experiencing an out of balance Chakra. Keep in mind that one out of balance chakra can affect the health of the other ones. If you have multiple symptoms from different Chakras, we suggest treating all of them.

Symptoms of an Out of Balance Base Chakra

  • • Feeling flighty

  • • Low energy levels

  • • Feelings of being disconnected from others or reality

  • • Low enthusiasm

  • • Lower back pain or leg pain

  • • Lethargy

  • • Easily fatigued

  • • Lack of motivation and drive

The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical energy and spiritual energy for the body.

When it is physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. You may experience lower back pain, or suffer from leg pain or immune system disorders.

When its spiritual energies are out of balance, you will feel flighty, disconnected from reality, and distant. You may begin to doubt your beliefs, stop being loyal to long-term associates and organizations, or find yourself deriving little joy from physical pleasures.

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