
Embrace the Moon: Your Spiritual Ally and Guide

Embrace the Moon: Your Spiritual Ally and Guide
April 14, 2020 admin

Discover the Power of the Moon with CocoKanelaDesign’s Boho Jewellery

#FeeltheEnergy #CocoKanelaDesign

Reconnect with nature and your spirit through CocoKanelaDesign’s handmade boho jewellery in Melbourne. Learn how to stay grounded in today’s modern world by harnessing the Moon’s energy to guide your life and cleanse your crystals.

The Moon, our cosmic sibling, shares a profound connection with Earth, stemming from a shared cosmic heritage with Theia and Early Earth. In our fast-paced lives, this connection often fades, leaving us spiritually adrift. Rediscover ancient wisdom and reconnect with nature through crystal healing and lunar rituals.

Indigenous cultures understood this bond intimately, but in modern times, it’s often overlooked, contributing to feelings of discontent and disconnect. The Moon’s rhythms, influencing everything from ocean tides to bird migrations, resonate deeply with our own body and spirit rhythms. Re-establishing this connection can lead to a profound spiritual renewal.

Embrace Emotional Healing with CocoKanelaDesign

Explore the emotional impact of lunar cycles, as detailed in Sioux Rose’s “Moon Dance: The Feminine Dimensions of Time.” By tracking your moods alongside lunar phases, you can gain insight into your emotional patterns and develop resilience.

Full Moon Ritual for Crystal Energy

Harness the full moon’s potent energy to cleanse and recharge your crystals. This ritual clears negative energies, revitalizing your crystals’ healing properties. Place them under the moonlight on natural surfaces or windowsills to absorb this cleansing energy effectively.

Steps to Charge Your Crystals with the Full Moon’s Energy:

  1. Cleanse: Wash your crystals or use a gentle Crystal Cleanse.
  2. Set Up: Place crystals on natural surfaces to ground them.
  3. Moonlight: Ensure crystals are exposed to the moonlight.
  4. Morning Collection: Retrieve them early, before the sun’s rays become harsh.
  5. Intentions: Visualize white light around crystals, setting intentions.
  6. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the cleansing and charging process.

Embrace Your Bohemian Spirit with CocoKanelaDesign

Shop CocoKanelaDesign’s unique collection online to experience the essence of boho chic and crystal healing. Each piece is handmade with love in Melbourne, Australia, offering a blend of style and spiritual connection.

Visit CocoKanelaDesign today and embark on your journey to reconnect with nature, the Moon, and your inner self through our boho jewellery.

Full Moon Ritual to charge Gemstones:

Harnessing the energy of the full moon is the perfect time to cleanse and charge your crystals.  A full moon is at its brightest and it is the most potent point of its cycle to cast off any bad juju that is no longer serving you – and your crystals.

Crystals absorb energy, both good and bad, just as you do. Your crystals will soak the energy of their immediate environment like a super-absorbent Chux wipe and, if they are frequently handled or used for healing practice, they will need to be cleansed of that energy too.

Placing your crystals on or in the earth, or out in the morning sun can help cleanse your crystals, but the energy of the full moon exerts a deeper, stronger pull.


Here are some simple steps to bathe your crystals in the energy of the full moon:


✨Wash your crystals. If it’s raining, or you’re near a natural water source, this is perfect.  Otherwise, a gentle rinse with our Crystal Cleanse will work (Do NOT wash Desert Rose or Selenite in water as they will dissolve!)


✨​Lay your crystals out, preferably on the earth or a natural surface. This gives an earthing effect, just like grounding your own body.


✨Ensure your crystals are in the moon’s light. If you can’t get your crystals outdoors, placing them on a windowsill will also work. You want to make sure the moon’s light will actually hit the crystals.


✨Collect your crystals in the early morning. The sun also charges crystals, so it’s nice to leave them out into the early morning light – but not too long, without a good SPF, too much sunlight can be too harsh on your crystals (especially Amethyst and Fluorite), just as it is on us – ain’t nobody got time for sunburn.


✨Charge your crystals with your intentions. You may like to visualise white light around your crystals as you set an intention for their use moving forward.  You can also use some crystals, like amethyst clusters, for charging other crystals.


✨ Give thanks. Hold gratitude for the process and give thanks for the energy work you and your crystals are doing.  A little thank you note to the universe never goes astray.

Enjoy your little Sister of best friend energy she is your ally in your Emotional Pathway.

Lots of love soul!!


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